
国际海运新闻   国际空运新闻   国际快递新闻   国际货运知识  


发布时间:2022-06-12 点击数:1913

  货物 ① goods ② freight ③ cargo

  运输 ① transportation ② transit ③ conveyance

  运送 ① to transport ② to carry ③ to convey

  运输业 ① transportation business ② forwarding business ③ carrying trade

  运输代理人 a forwarding agent

  承运人 ① a freight agent ② a carrier

  船务代理人 a shipping agent

  陆上运输 transportation by land

  海上运输 transportation by sea

  货物运输 ① goods traffic ② freight traffic ③ carriage of freights ④ carriage of goods

  货轮 ①cargo boat ②freighter ③cargo steamer ④cargo carrier

  火车 ①goods-train ②freight-train

  卡车 ①goods-van ②goods wagon ③freight car ④truck

  货运办公室 ①goods-office ②freight-department

  运费率 ①freight ②freight rates ③goods rate

  运费 ①carriage charges ②shipping expenses ③express charges

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公司地址:广东省广州市番禺区东环路449-451号云星广场A座412-413室 邮政编码:511400
客服信箱:rate#touchtrans.com(改#为@) 客服QQ: 1508197927 客服电话:020-84508356,15802033215
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